
Sizing & Selection


步骤 1. 确定储罐规格

  • 测量水箱直径和高度。
  • 确定储罐的位置及其将面临的环境条件。
  • 收集储罐中存储介质的材料安全数据表 (MSDS),其中包括:


步骤 2. 计算最大流量


步骤 3. 设置压力和真空要求


步骤 4. 选择阀门尺寸

*根据所需的流量和设定压力,使用适当的计算来确定阀门尺寸。利用 API 2000 或 ISO 28300 等标准来获取精确的尺寸指南。许多制造商提供选型软件或图表来帮助选择正确的阀门尺寸​​​​。
*阀门尺寸范围为 2 英寸至 12 英寸(50 至 300 毫米),具体取决于应用要求和流量计算​​​​。

步骤 5. 材料和附加功能


第 6 步:利用制造商支持



A breather valve(pressure/vacuum relief valve) is designed to protect storage tanks, process systems, and equipment from excessive pressure and vacuum conditions. These valves allow for the controlled venting of gases or vapors and help to maintain a safe working environment by preventing tank damage and minimizing product loss due to evaporation​​​​.

Breather valves work by using weight-loaded or spring-loaded pallets to control the flow through the valve. When the internal pressure or vacuum reaches a set point, the pallet lifts off the seat to allow flow. This prevents emission losses until very close to the set pressure and prevents air intake until very close to the set vacuum​​.

  1. High flow capacity from a compact valve size.
  2. Wide range of pressure and vacuum settings for maximum tank protection.
  3. Minimization of gas loss and evaporation, resulting in economic savings.
  4. Compliance with stringent emission control regulations.
  5. Modular design allows for customization to specific requirements​​​​.

Breather valves can be constructed from various materials, including aluminum, stainless steel, carbon steel, ductile iron, and alloys such as C276. The choice of material depends on the specific application and the type of media being handled​​​.

Common applications include protecting storage tanks in industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, chemical processing, and petrochemical industries. They are also used in systems where vapors need to be piped away or vented to the atmosphere​​​.

Breather valves are designed and tested according to standards such as API 2000:2014 and EN ISO 28300:2016. They also meet European Directive 2014/34/EU for equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX)​​​​.

Selecting the right breather valve involves considering factors such as tank size, media characteristics (flash point, boiling point, latent heat of vaporization, molecular mass), location, maximum filling and emptying rates, and the required set pressure and vacuum settings. Consulting with a Yee Valve expert and using a valve sizing service can help ensure optimal performance and cost-effectiveness​​​​.

Regular inspection and maintenance are necessary to ensure breather valves operate correctly. This includes checking for any blockages, ensuring the pallets and seats are clean and free of debris, and verifying that the set pressures and vacuums are accurate. Maintenance procedures should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to maintain safety and efficiency​​​​.

A flame arrester is a safety device installed in equipment that contains flammable gases or vapors. It prevents the propagation of flames and explosions by quenching the flame front before it can reach the protected side of the device.

Flame arresters function by cooling the flame front through a series of narrow passages or “quenching gaps.” These gaps are designed to be small enough to extinguish the flame while allowing gases to pass through.

  • Deflagration Flame Arresters: Protect against explosions where the flame propagates at subsonic velocities.
  • 防爆阻火器: Designed for more severe conditions where the flame front travels at supersonic speeds, producing shock waves.
  • End-of-Line Flame Arresters: Installed at the end of a pipeline to protect against external sources of ignition.
  • In-Line Flame Arresters: Installed within the pipeline to prevent the spread of flames within the piping system.

Flame arresters are commonly used in systems for generating, storing, and transporting flammable gases and liquids, such as chemical processing plants, oil refineries, gas storage facilities, and pipelines.

Regular inspection and maintenance are essential for flame arresters to function correctly. Key maintenance tasks include:

  • Initial inspection three months after commissioning.
  • Annual inspections as a minimum for clean processes.
  • Additional inspections if an explosion is detected or if there are signs of damage or corrosion.
  • Cleaning to remove debris, insects, or corrosion that can block the quenching elements​​​​.
  • Ensure the flame arrester is correctly installed according to the operating conditions.
  • Verify that no unauthorized modifications have been made.
  • Check for blockages, corrosion, and mechanical damage.
  • Confirm that all fasteners are secure and tightened to the required torque.
  • Record all maintenance activities accurately.

Poorly maintained flame arresters can fail to provide adequate protection against explosions, potentially leading to catastrophic equipment damage and safety hazards. Common issues include blocked elements, severe corrosion, and mechanical damage, which can impair the flame arrester’s effectiveness​​​​​​.

Flame arresters must be used under the specific conditions they were designed and tested for. They are available in various configurations to suit different piping systems, and the correct model should be selected based on the type of gas, operating pressure, and temperature range​​​.

  • Ensure compatibility with the process conditions, including gas type and pressure.
  • Follow torque guidelines for flanged connections.
  • Position the flame arrester correctly to facilitate future maintenance.
  • Check for leaks after installation to ensure a proper seal.
  • Do not use lifting eyebolts to lift the entire flame arrester assembly; they are only for handling the housing during inspection and maintenance.
  • Avoid piping drainage, instrumentation, and cleanout connections to a common line to prevent flame bypass.
  • Replace damaged flame elements immediately as they can render the flame arrester ineffective​​​​.


在Yee Valve,我们是一家专业集工业阀门制造和贸易于一体的家族企业。我们的战略总部位于台湾台北,并在中国大陆拥有三个最先进的工厂。

history of valve company
  • 预付 30%,T.T. 发货前支付 70%(标准产品)
  • 通过 T.T. 预付 100%(特殊产品)
  • 100% L/C at sight from special customers and L/C should be issued from the world’s first-class bank. (Special Markets)

After-Sales Service & Technical Support


YEE Valve提供了针对阀门选择,安装和维护的专家指南。客户可以通过电话,电子邮件或传真联系技术支持,以获取与我们产品相关的任何查询或问题。此外,我们还提供独特的解决方案来满足特定的客户需求,包括适合各种工业应用的定制设计和材料选项。



所有阀门均根据API 2000和ISO 28300等相关国际标准进行设计和制造。YEE阀提供必要的文档,包括合规证书,用户手册和测试证书,以确保产品质量和安全性。





YEE Valve为我们的产品提供保修服务,以确保迅速解决任何制造缺陷或操作问题。保修条款在购买12-18个月时提供,客户可以根据需要要求维修或更换。





YEE Valve提供了预防性维护的指南,以帮助延长其阀门的寿命并确保连续,可靠的操作。产品手册中概述了定期的维护时间表和程序。


如果有阀门故障或损坏,YEE Valve提供训练有素的技术人员提供的维修服务。客户可以根据问题的严重性将其阀门发送到授权的服务中心或要求现场维修服务。



YEE Valve为客户开展培训计划,以对他们进行适当的阀门处理,维护和故障排除技术的教育。这些程序可以在现场或YEE Valve的培训设施进行。





YEE Valve重视客户反馈,并建立了收集和行动的机制,以客户的建议和投诉行动。此反馈有助于提高产品质量和服务标准。


When you make an order to Yee Valve, here are the steps you should follow based on the documents provided:

1. Verify the Order Details

Ensure that all order details, such as the model, quantity, and specifications match your request. Check the specific models ordered and their corresponding specifications against the provided documents.

2. Check the Material Specifications

Confirm that the materials listed for each valve component match what you ordered. For instance, body materials (e.g., Aluminum, AISI 316) and gasket materials (e.g., expanded graphite, PTFE) should align with the order specifications​​​​​.

3. Dimensions and Connection Types

验证尺寸(大小,重量等)和连接类型(法兰,螺纹等)是正确的。确保按顺序确保每个阀的尺寸(例如DN 50,DN 100)。






检查所有必要的文档,包括测试证书,合规证书(例如ISO 9001,API STD 2000)和用户手册,包括货物中。如果适用,请验证压力设备指令的认证。



Shipping & Warranty

All valves from Yee Valve are covered with a 12 months warranty from the date of installation or 18 months warranty from the shipment date, whichever comes earlier. The scope of the warranty is covered for manufacturing defects only. If a valve failure is due to incorrect operation by the customer, the warranty is not applicable.

所有发货产品都有记录,我们为许多品牌提供 OEM 服务,但没有任何有关我们商品制造商的信息。任何图纸、操作说明、测试报告等均属于品牌所有者。

Shipping & Warranty