YeeValve is a specialized division of THINKTANK that makes breather valves. We offer free consulting to help people select the right breather valves. Our goal is to help engineering companies save money on projects and help valve distributors understand and select the right breather valves for different applications.

Here are the most simple and fast way to select the right breather valves for your application.

Step 1: Determine the Type of Relief Required

  • Only Pressure Relief: Select the TT7130/8130 series.

Pressure Only Relief Valve

  • Only Vacuum Relief: Select the TT7140/8140 series.

Vacuum Only Relief Valve

  • Both Pressure and Vacuum Relief: Opt for the TT7110/8110 or TT7120/8120 series.

Pressure & Vacuum to Piped Away breather valve

Note: The difference for TT7xxx or TT8xxx series is the TT8xxx outlet size is lager than inlet, and TT7xxx series the inlet is same as outlet. (Very easy, right?)

Please feel free to download our catalog here.

Step 2: Decide the Vent Method (if step 1 already selected TT7130/8130, or TT7140/8140 series, just skip this step.)

  • Direct Vent to Atmosphere: Select the TT7110/8110 series.

  • Vent to Pipeline for Gas Recovery: Select the TT7120/8120 series.

pressure relief action for breather valve
Vent to Pipeline for Gas Recovery, breather valve Pipe-away

Step 3: Finalize Specifications

  • Set Pressure and Vacuum Value: Confirm the desired pressure and vacuum settings.

  • Material and Size: Choose the appropriate material and valve size.

  • Refer to Set Pressure Charts: Match your specifications with the corresponding model in the set pressure chart.

set pressure chart for breather valve


Breather valve, Vent to pipeline, 3", 150LB FF, Set pressure: +250 MMH2O, Set vacuum: -250 MMH2O, A216 WCB

Step 1: see set pressure and vacuum, we select TT7110/8110 or TT7120/8120 series

Step 2: see vent to pipeline, no doubt select TT7120/8120 series.

Step 3: Size check: 3", Connection check: 150LB FF(if no specific data for outlet, we usually select same size for inlet and outlet.), Set pressure check: +250 MMH2O (kPa=mmH2O×0.00980665, 250mmH2O×0.00980665kPa/mmH2O=2.4516625kPa, so set pressure is 2.45kpa. Set Vacuum check: -250 MMH2O, so the set vacuum is -2.45Kpa.

Let's see catalog page 6, according to set pressure chart, we know the exactly model is TT7120. (set pressure range 0.2 to 6.9 kpa, and set vacuum range -0.2 to -4.3 kpa. For more details like temperature, Capacity of Tank, Tank Design Vacuum, Fluid, Back Pressure, Flame Arrester Yes/No etc, just double check with our representative.

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Service & Technical Support

1. Техническая поддержка Yee Valve предлагает экспертные рекомендации по выбору, установке и техническому обслуживанию клапанов. Клиенты [...]

Контрольный список заказа

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Как подобрать размер дыхательного клапана?

Чтобы правильно подобрать размер дыхательного клапана, выполните следующие действия: Шаг 1. Определите характеристики резервуара Измерьте [...]