Nuestras Soluciones


Our flame arresters are engineered to prevent the ignition of flammable gases or vapors from external sources. By stopping flames from entering storage tanks through vent lines, they play a vital role in averting potential explosions and fires.

Other Valves

Válvula de ventilación TT8120

Válvula de ventilación

These are essential for maintaining pressure equilibrium within the tanks, automatically opening to release or admit air as needed to keep the internal pressure within safe limits.

Válvula de ventilación TT8123

Válvulas de alivio de presión

Designed to open at a predetermined pressure to protect tanks from overpressure scenarios.

Válvula de ventilación TT9800

Válvulas de alivio de vacío

Estas válvulas evitan el colapso del tanque en condiciones de vacío que podrían ocurrir debido a cambios de volumen o fluctuaciones de temperatura.

Tank Equipment

Inert Gas Systems

To reduce the oxygen content around volatile substances, our inert gas systems displace the air with inert gas, substantially lowering the risk of oxidation and subsequent ignition.

Válvulas de ventilación de emergencia

For extreme scenarios, these valves provide rapid pressure relief if other systems are overwhelmed, ensuring structural integrity of the tank.

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